Diatomaceous Earth

What is Diatomaceous Earth?

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is the fossilized skeletons of microscopic single-celled aquatic organisms called diatoms. Their skeletons are made of a natural substance called silica—which makes up 26% of the Earth’s crust by weight.

How does it work?

Being extremely sharp and abrasive, DE embeds itself into the bodies of pests and causes irritation and dehydration eventually causing death.  DE works on household insects such as ants, centipedes and cockroaches as well as garden pests like aphids, mealybug, worms, etc.

Caution: The downside to DE is that it does not discriminate between pests and beneficial insects. Ladybugs, green lacewings, butterflies, bees, and other “good guys” can also be killed by DE if they come into contact with it. For this reason, we recommend using DE with discretion on and around plants that beneficial insects may frequently visit. Application in the late evening also limits harm to beneficials.

Where can I purchase it?

Ladybird Nurseries Diatomaceous Earth is currently available at:

  • Carter’s General Stores – All locations
  • Marshall Trading – Canewood and Six Roads
  • Muddy Boots – The Belle
  • Servall/1 Stop Garden Equipment Shop – Green Hill
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